Linear Algebra (Math 290A, Spring 2014)
Course Information
Course Reading Questions in WeBWorK
- Login name: your UPS user name (email address up to the "@" symbol), all lowercase
- Password: your 7-digit student ID number
- Important: Your student ID will only work as your password for a limited time, reset your password immediately.
- Be sure to
your reply to each question.
- Please use the "Email Instructor" button sparingly, my address is
- Many problem statements are randomized, so for responses that require an essay answer be sure to follow instructions about repeating parts of your problem.
- Questions may be similar, but not identical, to the questions in the text.
- For essay questions, the text box may be resizable (drag bottom right corner in Firefox).
- Use \(, \) and \[, \] around mathematics, not $, $ and $$, $$.
- Use \[, \] to get multi-line output. For example, \[A\] \[B\] \[C\] will put A, B, C onto three lines, each displayed as mathematical notation.
- When you start doing bigger displays of several vectors at a time, write your LaTeX (between \(, \) or \[, \]) all on one line or you (and I) will see lots of garbage (HTML tags really).
- You can see some LaTEX source in the online version of the book, but these frequently rely on a collection of macros that are not available to you in WeBWorK.
- Extensive use of the \text{} macro is unwise.
This Term's Exams
Keys from this semester's exams.
Books on Proofs
The books below are in the spirit of the recommended text "Nuts and Bolts of Proof." If you find that book helpful, you might consider ordering one or more of these from someplace like or Barnes & Noble (these texts are listed in order of my familiarity with them, which may not be the same order I would recommend them in).
Sage is open-source software for advanced mathematics. There are many ways to use it.
Main website for Sage: Sage Website
See below for information on in-class demonstrations.
LaTeX and Sage Demos
I will periodically do demonstrations with LaTeX and Sage, using the Sage Math Cloud. Here are instructions on how to syncronize my Sage Math Cloud with yours. This assumes you have already made an account (which is easy).
First Time Setup Only
- Create a new "Project". You might name it "Math 290" or whatever you please.
- Create a new "Terminal". Name it whatever you please.
- You should see ~$ staring back at you in the terminal.
- Carefully type exactly: git clone, followed by the Enter key
- That's it, you should now have a copy of all my demonstrations (so far). Let's check.
- Click on the Files icon (far left, near the top).
- Navigate to the Math290F13 folder, then to the latex folder.
- LaTeX demonstrations should be here as they get added.
- Open the Math 290 project you created earlier, by clicking on it.
- Open the terminal you created earlier, by clicking on it in the "Files" list.
- You should see ~$ staring back at you in the terminal.
- Carefully type exactly: cd Math290S14, followed by the Enter key, to move to the right folder.
- You should now see ~/Math290S14$ in the terminal.
- Carefully type exactly: git pull, followed by the Enter key.
- That's it, you should now have updated copies of all my demonstrations, plus any new ones.
- You can do a pull as often as you like, there is no harm.
- You can edit the copies of my demonstrations, but you run the risk of unsyncronizing. (Don't panic, it is possible to re-clone, ask me how.) Better to open a file of interest and cut and paste to a new file to work on.
Old Examinations
These examinations are offered with no guarantees. Notation, techniques, and emphases will vary (sometimes radically) from semester to semester. Use at your own risk.
Fall 2013 (with Sage problems, handwritten solutions):
Fall 2012 (with Sage problems, solutions never saved):
Spring 2012 (with Sage problems, handwritten solutions):
Spring 2010 (with solutions):
Spring 2008 (with solutions):
Fall 2007 (with solutions):
Spring 2007 (with solutions):
Fall 2006 (with solutions):
Fall 2005 (with solutions):
Spring 2005 (with solutions):
Fall 2004 (with solutions):
Fall 2003:
This is:
Maintained by: Rob Beezer
Last updated: January 1, 2014