Course Outline Math 335
Dr. R. Beezer Spring 1999
Text: We will be using Linear Programming by Vaek Chvátal
and An Introduction to Optimization by E.K.P. Chong and S.H.
\.Zak. See the attached tentative schedule for the exact sections
Office Hours: My office is Thompson 321G; the telephone number is
756 - 3564. Making appointments or simple, non-mathematical questions can
be handled via electronic mail - my address is
Office hours will be 12-12:50 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I
will always be available during these times on a first-come, first-served
basis. If these times are not convenient, please do not hesitate to make
an appointment with me for another time. You are also welcome to drop by
my office without an appointment at any time that I am in (afternoons 2 -
4 are best). Office hours are your opportunity to receive extra help or
clarification on material from class, or to discuss any other aspect of
the course.
Homework: I will be suggesting problems from the texts as we move
through them. As I formulate lectures, I will add the suggested problems
to a list maintained on my WWW page (
It is expected that you will work on these problems, but they will not be
collected. Instead, you are welcome to submit your written solutions to me
at any time, and I will return written comments. Of course, you are not
limited to working just these problems. These exercises will
form the basis for the classes where we will have problem sessions. It is
your responsibility to be certain that you are learning from these
exercises. Making a consistent effort outside of the classroom is the
easiest way to do well in this course.
Mathematics not only demands straight thinking, it grants the student the satisfaction of knowing when he is thinking straight. - D. Jackson
Mathematics is not a spectator sport. - Anonymous
I hear, I forget.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.
- Chinese Proverb
Computing: Gaining experience with the practical aspects of
computing solutions to optimization problems is an important part of this
course, so there will be six computing exercises. Since your solutions to
these problems contribute to your final grade, it is expected that they
are your own work. We will be using the modeling language Lingo on the
Windows NT machines on the first floor of Thompson Hall. A limited version
of Lingo is available for free at the company's WWW site (
that you may use on your own machines, though it may be insufficient for
some problems assigned.
Mathematical Contest in Modeling: We will be participating in this
international modeling contest in teams of three, and the solutions you
submit will be graded as a project for the course. This contests runs from
Friday, February 5 through Monday, February 8, and is likely to consume a
good deal of your attention during this 4-day period. If you have any
conflicts during this time, please discuss them with me as soon as
Exams: There will be four one-hour exams - the attached schedule
has tentative dates indicated. The comprehensive final exam will be given
at 4 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11. The final exam cannot be given at any other
time, so be certain that you do not make any travel plans that conflict.
Journals: I would like to suggest that you purchase a spiral-bound
notebook for this course, and use it for all of your course notes,
reading notes and problem-solving. Do everything in this notebook,
and you will have it all handy and organized chronologically, and
furthermore, the process of studying this way will reinforce some
excellent study habits.
Grades: Grades will be based on the following breakdown: MCM
Project - 10%, Computing Exercises - 20%, Exams - 50%, Final - 20%.
Attendance and improvement will be considered for borderline grades.
Scores will be posted on the WWW off of A reminder about
withdrawals - a Withdrawal Passing grade (W) can only be given during the
third or fourth weeks of the semester, after that time (barring unusual
circumstances), the appropriate grade is a Withdrawal Failing (WF), even
if your work has been of passing quality. See the attached schedule
for the last day to drop with an automatic `W' and please read the Logger
about these often misunderstood grades.
Attendance: Daily attendance is required and expected.